sciwork meetup 2023 July 26th in NYCU

關於 Meetup

Meetup 是一個提供人們討論電腦程式相關議題的交流空間。我們歡迎任何可能引起參與者興趣的主題,同時鼓勵與科學、數值和工程相關的程式技術進行更深入的討論。同時,我們希望建立一個支持且友善的環境,讓更多開發者加入社群。


  • 時間: 2023/07/26 (三) 18:30-21:30
  • 地點: 國立陽明交通大學 工程三館 3 樓 329 室
  • 活動為免費報名。




18:30-19:30 Free discussion  
19:40-20:10 Physical Therapy Assessment with AI - Depth Camera for Mobility Analysis  Nian-Cheng
20:10-20:30 sciwork grand project Yung-Yu
20:30-21:30 Preparations for August scisprint  



  • 【主題】| Physical Therapy Assessment with AI - Depth Camera for Mobility Analysis

【講者】 Nian-Cheng - A graduate student in NYCU Institute of Artificial Intelligence Innovation.

In this topic, I leveraged data from depth cameras for AI model data processing and introduces the essential tools I utilized for this purpose.

  • 【主題】sciwork grand project

In the past years sciwork communit is using the portal site to organize the events, including meetups and sprints. The light-weight system is easy to use for programmers and very effective. However, the portal is a static website that cannot automatically organize all information. That is why github, netlify, hackmd, and kktix are involved in the workflow.

More IT experts are joining the community. It is time to discuss whether we want to upgrade the website. In this session I would like to propose a project to upgrade the portal web page to a portal web app. It will be a significant endeavor and named the sciwork grand project.

  • 【主題】Preparations for August sciprint

We will discuss the following items for preparing August sciprint.

  • Task arrangement for volunteers
  • Promotion plan for August sciprint
  • Preparations for career conversation

關於 sciwork

sciwork 是由一群社群科學、數值與工程方面的研究者與工程師所組成,提供分享與討論電腦程式的場所,期待建立科學與軟體工程之間的橋樑,推進計算科學的軟體開發。

sciwork discord:
國立陽明交通大學 工程三館 3 樓 329 室 / 國立陽明交通大學 工程三館 3 樓 329 室


票種 販售時間 售價

2023/07/20 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/07/26 17:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費