Sciwork Conference 2023 / 早鳥個人票階段

【此售票頁面僅販售個人早鳥票,如需購買其他票種,請點選此 頁面 進行購票】

活動資訊 / About Event

👉日期與時間 / Date & Time
2023 年 12 月 09 日 09:00 ~ 17:00 與
2023 年 12 月 10 日 09:00 ~ 17:00 (GMT+8)
09:00 ~ 17:00, December 09 &
09:00 ~ 17:00, December 10 (GMT+8)

👉地點 / Venue
MIRC of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


👉sciwork 社群
sciwork 是一個提供研究人員、工程師分享和討論程式和科學,數值,工程和數據應用相關議題的技術社群。我們相信開放分享的力量,並將使用開源作為推進計算科學軟件開發的手段。

👉sciwork community
sciwork is a community of researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work. We believe in the power of openness, and we will use open source as a means to advance software development for computational sciences.


👉sciwork 2023
今年,我們將舉辦一場實體研討會,sciwork 2023,促進更多科學、工程與程式的愛好者前來分享交流。今年的主題涵蓋科學、工程、數據管理、數據分析及資料視覺化等相關議題,為大家帶來多元的分享主題。

👉sciwork 2023
In 2023, we will hold a conference, sciwork 2023,  to provide a physical venue to showcase how programming languages are used for scientific and engineering applications and their best practices. In addition to scientific computing and high-performance computing, we also emphasize data management, process, analytics, and visualization.


👉sciwork 2023 X NumFOCUS/PyData X Humble Data
sciwork 2023 也很榮幸能與 NumFOCUS/PyData 以及 Humble Data 成為合作夥伴,為我們帶來更多元的機會與合作交流,共同推動科學計算與數據領域的發展。

👉sciwork 2023 X NumFOCUS/PyData X Humble Data
We are privileged to collaborate with esteemed partners: NumFOCUS/PyData, and Humble Data. These partnerships promise a conference filled with insightful sessions, collaborative opportunities, and groundbreaking revelations in the world of data.


在 sciwork 2023 兩天的會議中,參加者能透過主題演講技術演講以及工作坊近距離與專業人士進行交流,了解科學運算,工程及數據領域相關的最新發展。

👉event content
In sciwork 2023, our topics span science, engineering, data management, process optimization, advanced analytics, and visualization. We have keynote speeches, technical talks, and a workshop collaborating with Humble Data.


主題演講 / Keynotes speeches


The keynote speeches will feature highly accomplished professionals in the field of scientific and from both domestic and international backgrounds, delivering engaging presentations to the audience.


技術演講 / Technical talks


Technical talks are a big part of the conference. Speakers will share their insides or experiences in the field of scientific computing, data management, process optimization, advanced analytics, visualization techniques, etc.


工作坊 / Workshop

👉主題:初學者入門的 Python 資料科學工作坊
我們很榮幸與 Humble Data 合作舉辦一日工作坊,提供參加者學習資料科學的基本技能與見解。工作坊將由目前任職於 OpenSSF 同時也是 Humble Data 核心成員的 Cheuk Ting Ho 主持。在 Cheuk Ting Ho 專業的帶領下,參加者能夠學習使用 Python 進行相關操作,了解數據科學相關基本技能與知識。

👉Topic : Beginner-Friendly Python Data Science Workshop
This workshop collaborates with Humble Data to deliver the essential skills and insights in data science. Guided by the expertise of Cheuk Ting Ho, a core member of Humble Data and contributor to OpenSSF, participants will acquire essential skills and insights in data science and discover the foundations of data science with Python hands-on learning experience.


👉日期與時間 / Date & Time
2023 年 12 月 10 日,sciwork 2023 研討會的第二天
December 10, day two of sciwork 2023

👉地點 / Venue
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

👉報名資格與連結 /Registration qualifications and links
免費報名參加,凡購買 sciwork 2023 的票才可以優先參加,限30位,點選 link 報名參加。
Join for free. Ticket holders for sciwork 2023 get priority access. Limited to the first 30 registrants. click the link to register.

售票時間 / Selling Schedule

以下票種皆含「午餐和茶點」以及「sciwork 2023 T-shirt」」。
The following tickets include "Lunch and Desserts" and "sciwork 2023 T-shirt".

  • 個人尊榮票 / Premium
    2023 年 10 月 26 日至 2023 年 12 月 01 日 (GMT+8)
    Ocbober 26 - December 01, 2023 (GMT+8)
    講者晚宴入場邀請 / Invitation of "Speakers' Night"
    並無提供企業報帳收據 / no Reimbursement Receipt
  • 個人票 / Individual
    • 早鳥票 / Early Stage
      2023 年 10 月 11 日至 2023 年 11 月 02 日 (GMT+8)
      Ocbober 11 - November 02, 2023 (GMT+8)
    • 一般票 / Regular Stage
      2023 年 11 月 03 日至 2023 年 12 月 01 日 (GMT+8)
      November 02 - December 01, 2023 (GMT+8)
    • 企業票 / Corporate 
      2023 年 10 月 11 日至 2023 年 12 月 01 日 (GMT+8)
      Ocbober 11 - December 01, 2023 (GMT+8)
      提供企業報帳收據,請於報名表單中填寫報帳抬頭與統一編號。Provide the reimbursement receipt. Please fill in the Invoiced Company Name and VAT Number in the registration form.
  • 團體票 / Group-Buy Individua
    2023 年 11 月 03 日至 2023 年 12 月 01 日 (GMT+8)
    November 02 - December 01, 2023 (GMT+8) 
    Registrations for 3 to 10 people can enjoy a 10% discount, and registrations for more than 10 people can enjoy a 20% discount. When purchasing tickets, fill in the registration form of one person as a representative. We will then send out the "Group-buy Ticket Registration Form" ticket invitation code to other participant to fill in the registration form.
  • 社群票 / sciwork contribution ticket
    2023 年 10 月 11 日至 2023 年 12 月 01 日 (GMT+8)
    Ocbober 26 - December 01, 2023 (GMT+8)
國立陽明交通大學電子資訊大樓國際會議廳 / 電子資訊研究大樓


票種 販售時間 售價
個人早鳥票 / Individual - Early Stage

2023/10/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2023/11/02 23:50(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,200