sciwork seminar 2024 summer Hsinchu

活動資訊 / About Event

👉日期與時間 / Date & Time
2024 年 6 月 22 日 09:30 ~ 17:00(GMT+8)
09:30 ~ 17:00, June 22 (GMT+8)

👉地點 / Venue
國立陽明交通大學 工程三館
1F, EC Building, Chiaotung Campus, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
No. 1001, Daxue Rd. East Dist., Hsinchu City


👉sciwork 社群
sciwork 是一個提供研究人員、工程師分享和討論程式和科學,數值,工程和數據應用相關議題的技術社群。我們相信開放分享的力量,並將使用開源作為推進計算科學軟件開發的手段。

👉sciwork community
sciwork is a community of researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work. We believe in the power of openness, and we will use open source as a means to advance software development for computational sciences.


👉sciwork seminar 2024

👉sciwork seminar 2024
sciwork seminar is a one-day event to include technical talks, tutorials, and coding activities. The event is designed to include all angles for those who are interested in developing robust software for solving real-world problems regardless of the popularity of the applications. Because it is all-angle, the seminar aims at connecting highly motivated developers to junior practitioners, as well as prospective employers who have problems to be solved.

活動流程 / Agenda

時間 / Time 時長 / Duration

活動流程 / Agenda

09:30 -10:00 30 mins 報到 | Check in
10:00 -10:10 10 mins 開場 | Opening
10:20 -10:50 30 mins 演講 1 | Talk 1
Challenges of putting tensor networks on a computer: Cytnx as an example
by Dr. Pochung Chen and Dr. Ying-Jer Kao
10:50 -11:20 30 mins 演講 2 | Talk 2
Visualization that balances performance and flexibility for scientific computing
by Chun-Hsu Lai
11:20 -11:30 10 mins 團體照 | Group Photo
11:30 -13:00 90 mins 午餐時間 | Lunch 
13:00 -14:30 90 mins

演講 3 | Talk 3 | 13:00 - 13:30
Refining Data Structure & Algorithm Implementations in the Linux Kernel for Improved Performance
by Kuan-Wei

演講 4 | Talk 4 | 13:30 - 14:00
Building a Profiler for Python + C++ App
by Quentin

演講 5 | Talk 5 | 14:00 - 14:30
How does sciwork implement web development in CI/CD way?
by Chester Cheng

專案開發 | Coding Sprint 教學活動/Tutorial
14:30 -15:00 30 mins 茶點 | Refreshment
15:00 -16:30 90 mins 演講 6 | Talk 6 | 15:00 - 15:30
Translating Python Documentation: Bridging Languages and Communities
by Li-Hung
專案開發 | Coding Sprint 教學活動/Tutorial
16:30 -17:00 30 mins Conclusion and Discussions


技術演講 / Technical talks


Technical talks are a big part of the seminar. Speakers will share their insides or experiences in the field of scientific computing, data management, process optimization, advanced analytics, visualization techniques, etc.

  • Talk1 : Challenges of putting tensor networks on a computer: Cytnx as an example

Speaker : Dr. Pochung Chen and Dr. Ying-Jer Kao

  • Talk2 : Visualization that balances performance and flexibility for scientific computing

Speaker : Chun-Hsu Lai

  • Talk3 : Refining Data Structure & Algorithm Implementations in the Linux Kernel for Improved Performance

Speaker : Kuan-Wei

  • Talk4 : Building a Profiler for Python + C++ App4 : How does sciwork implement web development in CI/CD way?

Speaker : Quentin

  • Talk5 : How does sciwork implement web development in CI/CD way?

Speaker : Chester Cheng

  • Talk6 : Translating Python Documentation: Bridging Languages and Communities

Speaker : Li-Hung

專案開發 / Coding Sprint



  • modmesh
    Toolkit for solving partial differential equations and visulizing the numerical results. modmesh seamlessly mixes C++ and Python through pybind11, using Qt and Python to visualize the computation results to give you a better understanding of your PDE solution
    • Related subjects: Python, C++, Qt, PDE
    • Project Contact: Yung-Yu Chen (discord: @yyc#7718)
    • Project link: Github
  • sciwork portal
    sciwork Portal is a project for maintaining our official website –, which was built by Pelican with tailwindCSS, and deployed by Netfliy. We have always been actively trying to provide users a better web browsing experience, including information presentation and visual experience. Welcome to join us if you are interested in website maintence.
    • Project link: Github
    • Project Contact: Aya yu (discord: @tN#6722), Chester (discord: @chester), Wuxian (discord: @5x9527)
  • pydoc-zhtw
    Our primary mission is to make Python's official documentation accessible to the Traditional Chinese audience by providing accurate and comprehensive translations. Whether you are a seasoned Python developer or a language expert, we welcome individuals who are enthusiastic about Python and passionate about making knowledge accessible to all.
    • Project link: Github
    • Project Contact: Matt Wang(@mattwang44), Josix (@Josix#3800)
  • pyLiteracy
    Mandarin grammar parser based on syntactical context. By analyzing and simplifying the structures of correct usages into code instructions, provide a linguistics-based model to accomplish efficient Mandarin grammar checking tasks with minimal resources.
    • Related subjects: Python, Linguistic
    • Project Contact: Jonathan Chen (discord: @陳畯田), PeterWolf (discord: @PeterWolf#1422) 
    • Project link: Github

教學活動 / Tutorial

Text Classification Review: A Comparative Journey from Word Frequency to Large Language Models 

摘要: 在企業中文本分類技術的應用場景不勝枚舉。無論是在客戶服務、風險管理還是投資領域,都可以透過建立文本分類的模型協助公司將流程自動化進而節省大量人力成本 當我們想要建立文本分類模型時,必須先將非結構化的文本轉換為可供模型使用的文本特徵。而影響模型效度的關鍵就在於文本特徵的處理方式。在這次的活動中,我們將以 Google Play 上 19 間銀行應用程式的 3 萬則留言資料為例。深入探討不同文本特徵的處理方法,包括詞頻矩陣、TF-IDF、word2vec、大型語言模型,以及對大型語言模型進行微調等方式比較各自的優缺點以及對後續模型效度差異 讓我們一起透過這次的旅程增加在進行文本分類任務時的心得與技巧吧🚀🚀

講者姓名: 游騰林

講者簡介: 游騰林是來自國泰金控的資料科學家,先後在電信業和金融業服務,有超過 8 年的數據分析、機器/深度學習模型的實務經驗。喜歡透過資料科學技術動手解決現實世界中的問題多過於理論研究。閒暇之餘也會在各大技術年會分享實踐後的踩坑經驗。心中理想的工作形態是擔任顧問,透過分享資料科學的專案經驗與技術,協助企業提升經營成效。

售票時間 / Selling Schedule

  • 企業票 / Enterprise
    2024 年 5 月 19 日 12:00 至 2024 年 6 月 15 日 23:59 (GMT+8)
    12:00 May 19 - 23:59 June 15, 2024 (GMT+8)
    Provide the reimbursement receipt. Please fill in the Invoiced Company Name and VAT Number in the registration form.
  • 早鳥票 / Early Stage
    2024 年 5 月 19 日 12:00 至 2024 年 5 月 26 日 23:59 (GMT+8)
    12:00 May 19 - 23:59 May 26, 2024 (GMT+8)
  • 個人票 / Individual
    2024 年 5 月 26 日至 2024 年 6 月 15 日 (GMT+8)
    May 26 - June 15, 2024 (GMT+8))
  • 團體票 / Early Stage
    2024 年 5 月 26 日至 2024 年 6 月 15 日 (GMT+8)
    May 26 - June 15, 2024 (GMT+8)
    Registrations for 2 to 10 people can enjoy a NT$100 discount. When purchasing tickets, fill in the registration form of one person as a representative. We will then send out the "Group-buy Ticket Registration Form" ticket invitation code to other participant to fill in the registration form.
  • sciwork 好朋友票 / sciwork friend ticket
    2024 年 6 月 1 日至 2024 年 6 月 15 日 (GMT+8)
    June 1 - June 15, 2024 (GMT+8)

退票政策 / Refund policy

本活動委託 KKTIX 代理退票與退費。如果您欲透過 KKTIX 辦理退換票,請來信至。如果您自行透過 KKTIX 退票,將酌收 10% 手續費且活動前十天內 (不含活動日) 不予退票。詳情請見 KKTIX 代理退換票辦法
Ticket refund and exchange are handled by KKTIX on behalf of the event organizer. If you want to apply for a refund or exchange via KKTIX, please mail to If you request a refund via KKTIX, a 10% handling fee will be charged, and refunds will not be accepted within ten days before the event (excluding the event day). Please refer to the KKTIX ticket exchange and refund policy.

聯絡方式 / Contact us

國立陽明交通大學 工程三館 / 國立陽明交通大學 工程三館


票種 販售時間 售價
企業票 / Enterprise

2024/05/19 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/06/18 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,000
早鳥票 / Early Stage

2024/05/19 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/05/27 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$600
個人票 / Individual

2024/05/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/06/22 00:40(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$800
團體票 / Group-Buy Ticket

2024/05/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/06/18 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$600
團體票報名表單 / Group-Buy Ticket Registration Form

2024/05/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/06/18 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
sciwork 好朋友票 / sciwork friend ticket

2024/05/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/06/22 00:40(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$600
社群票 / sciwork contribution ticket

2024/05/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/06/18 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費